At their CD release party at the Bowery Ballroom on July 31st, the three members of the band gave new meaning to the term “multi-tasking”. Sandwiched between two men (both named James) was Heather Robb with her sweet voice (like a younger, hipper Joni Mitchell), plus her keyboard, harmonica and base drum with cymbals which she beat enthusiastically and with surprising skill. The two James guys (James Cleare and James Smith) share not only the same name, but also the same instruments, switching sides of the stage throughout the set, moving between the acoustic guitar and electric bass. Their stations were also outfitted with segmented drum-sets and a harmonica (for which the crowd went crazy).
The trio had their
James, Heather and James are clearly very talented musicians. But they are also gracious and genuine (Heather commented several times on how happy they were to be back in New York), humble and amiable (James went on a spur-of-the-moment tangent about the movie Anaconda 3 and had to be reeled back in). They play with everything they’ve got, which makes their skills all the more impressive. Any one of them could be pulled out, sat down on their own, and left to give a captivating solo acoustic show. But together, they rock, with layered and seamless harmonies that would make the Beatles proud, and a synchronicity so perfect it’s a wonder that they can breathe without each other.
They came out for an encore (how could they not?) and launched into an upbeat blues song that they seemed born to perform. After the cheers died down, they stepped away from
And this, the ability to give a performance that is unforgettable, is the most impressive thing of all.
Top photo by Reid Rolls
Live photos by Cassie Newman